Thursday, March 16, 2006

we are off to a wedding...

yes, we're heading off to cabanatuan tomorrow afternoon in preparation for my brother's wedding on saturday, march 18.

for those close to our family, this news was a bit of a shock at first. no, the bride's not pregnant nor was he forced to submission. lol!

i never thought that my brother will end getting married soon. he's been such an easy-go-lucky person all his life that the idea of seeing him settle down immediately was considered a very slim possibility. at least this early as we initially presumed.

little did we know that things were bound to change with a little help from friendster.

you see, my brother had girlfriends before but i never really saw them much. besides, my brother is not the typical boyfriend. he's not the type who'll set a specific date every week for you to see each other. nor is he the sweetie-type boyfriend who'll go to the ends of the earth for you. well, at least that's how i perceived him to be in his relationships.

lately, the only girls that i often see him go out with were with s and d. we've teased him a lot about this girls and he said they're just friends. okay!

so, our attention was focused more on s becuase she's been going out more often with my brother. we thought they were an item already. wrong!!!

they were indeed just friends. and s was the one who made this coming a reality. how?...

my brother had a girlfriend before in high school. but they split-up right after graduation. she was bound for canada since her mother has already petitioned her. from what we know, she tried maintaining a communication with my brother at that time but, probably because he was also busy in college and were miles apart from her, they just lost touch.

and so years has passed since then. we thought that was the last their paths will ever cross. wrong! it all happened last year.

s, as a favor for my bro, tried "looking" for soon-to-be-sil over at friendster. she serached and searched and was finally able to "locate" her. s gave the details to bro, and as they say, the rest is history!

they got in touch with each other again last year and constant phone calls to bro were exchanged. and which was also one reason why bro kept on bugging me about getting a dsl line instead of a dial-up (which he ended up paying for eventually).

little did we know at that time, that they were already planning on getting married this year. and that sil will be arriving to manila on march already.

wow! talk about fast! and i thought he wasn't serious! i was half-heartedly listening to his questions on what is needed when getting married, blah-blah-blah. he wasn't they type who'll be serious about this things which is why i just ignored him. i was wrong.

and now, barely 48 hours to go and my bro is getting hitched for life.

am happy for him, and yet sad really. reasons why merits a different post.

congratulations bro!

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