Monday, February 27, 2006

real vs ideal

this is always the argument between accounts & creatives. what is the realistic situation? what can we do to make the project work given budget constraints? ideally, a photography will be good, if not great! but what if the cost of a photography is not within client's budget, then it wouldn't be realistic anymore!

why can't we go for a readily available image and just do adjustment on a minor piece of detail? why can't we work halfway on such minor concerns. ideally, we always go for great creatives! but realistically, client can only pay for so much. and instead of shelving a project, i'd much rather make the most of the situation and make sure that the material is published.

which means, ideal will no longer work given the situation. but insisting on such and being stubborn about it means, i have to find another alternative, is ideal still better than real?

so what will it really be - ideal or real?...

1 comment:

  1. dilemma yan sis. i guess we should always strive for the ideal, kasi its what makes us shoot for a higher level of perfection in everything. ika nga, kung gusto may paraan... even if budget contrains it. :)
